Make a Difference in Greater Austin
Our programs exist to build up and serve leaders to align their view of work with God’s and live out the implications in their contexts. Each are ideal spheres to connect and partner in mission with faith leaders outside of your primary community but are facilitated with the importance and role of local churches at heart.
Take a look at our programs below.

A Spirit-led Community of Practice

A Spirit-Led Community of Practice

Nexus Community
The Nexus Community is a diverse network of high- character professionals and leaders who care deeply about Austin’s welfare. This program brings together seasoned leaders who are actively exercising their faith at work. Our hope is that they’re refined, refreshed, and resourced through rich relationships with like-minded individuals.
Programming consists of retreats, seminars, opportunities to serve, and organic gatherings surfacing from the community itself. Over time, we hope this community can become a “city gate” community of leaders seeking the flourishing of the city where it matters most.
787 Fellowship
787 Fellowship is a faith-focused leadership development and mentorship program for up-and-coming leaders. Over the course of eight months, they participate in workshops designed for transformation, receive one-on-one mentorship, and gain practical tools to help them integrate faith with work– all in a diverse community of early and mid-career professionals. Fellows come away equipped to navigate cultural dynamics with love, and wisdom to serve and bless the contexts of calling.
Joining the 787 Fellowship also leads to further engagement in the Austin CFW community of leaders who are committed to seeing Greater Austin thrive.

Workplace Fellowships
Through Workplace Fellowships, Christians in Greater Austin connect with other like-minded, faith-driven professionals where they work.
When God’s people faithfully come around His purposes, thriving follows. Christians are already working in most professional contexts and yet, in many cases they aren’t connected to one another in meaningful ways.
Austin CFW resources existing workplace-centered Christian communities and helps start new ones where they don’t exist.